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Beauty to me is... Well, it's personal.

What is beauty?

They say it's in the eye of the beholder, but what do you feel it is? It feels vague doesn't it? It's such a vast concept, when you really think about it.

The most beautiful thing to me is the soul. Beauty, to me, is spiritual.

Ah yes, but beauty isn't just skin deep. It's deeper.

My soul, My soul

How beautiful You are

You understand when I do not

You know truth when my judgments' blocked

Speaking to me, standing firm, my rock

It is you who I feel pressing up from within

When my heart weareth thin

I don't want to listen.

But You are there to strengthen me,

Reveal who I was made to be

Lift me up and set me free

Why do I supress thee?

My true hearts desire--You know.

When I hold back i'm scared to show

You validate me and whisper, Go!

My Soul, My Soul

How right You are!

Speak from the body i've been given thus far

May I never hush Your wisdom

Or throw way what i've been given

My soul knows abundance

My soul knows sweet joy

My soul knows me.

I will listen.

Written by Kira Stevens

Creating beauty with my hands is merely an expression of my soul. I get inspired by beauty, therefore, I like to create it in any way I can whether it be through makeup, painting, poetry and beyond.

Sincerely and Honestly,

Kira Stevens


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