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Hello World

Hey Everyone!

If we haven't had the pleasure to meet, my name is Kira Stevens. (Nice to meet you!)

I recently moved to Vancouver BC from Victoria with my husband Nathan to pursue [our] dreams. Mine, being too many to count and Nathans, to go to Documentary film school at Capilano University.

I will be honest with you, I never thought I would do this blog thing. Don't get me wrong I always really wanted to, I just was afraid to. I was afraid I wouldn't have anything interesting to blog about and that no one would like it. Also, why does it seem everyone has a blog these days?!

Then I realized, wait a sec, I am blogging to people in real life ALL the time. In fact, we all are.

Yes, that's right. FACE-TO-FACE blogging. AKA, real life interaction. Call me crazy but I think some may call it regular old-fashioned communication.

As a makeup artist, Public Relations Intern, spa coordinator, sales rep, restaurant supervisor, foodie, sailor, artist, actor, singer, writer, coach, friend, wife, daughter, sister, dreamer; I am talking about, recommending, and trying new things ALL the time.

I can't get enough of what life has to offer, I want to try it all.

Which leads me to this blog. I like sharing experiences and getting others thoughts, emotions and reactions in return. It's fun! I am a natural observer. I love to observe, digest and share my experiences, usually in great detail. I think I may be describing communication again...

I'm just going pause to share with you a detailed definition of communication because I find it fascinating and why not. :)

Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share") is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas, feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands, as by speech, non-verbal gestures, writings, behavior and possibly by other means such as electromagnetic, chemical or physical phenomena. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more participants (machines, organisms or their parts).

-Courtesy of Wikipedia

Nowadays, our main way of communication has gone digital. With my love for the art of communication (and to keep up with the times) thus is born my blog.

I'm excited not only to share with you my experiences but to explore my own thoughts, emotions and opinions as well.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I will! I have a lot to say...

Sincerely and Honestly,

Kira Stevens

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