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A Busy-Bee's Necessity - The Vintage Backpack

There's something extra special about vintage pieces. Usually if it's lasted through the years it's been made well and I love that when you look at it, wear it or use it, you know it has a story and there's a bit of mystery behind it too.

I snagged my dads old leather backpack that he used when he went to Uni. I love when people ask me where I got it because instead of giving them a one word answer, it has a story behind it with sentimental value that no new item can compete with. And of course, I can suggest some look-a-likes, but I'm pretty sure there's no where you can get this bag, actually, I don't even know who made it!

Either way, I think a vintage leather backpack in brown or black is the perfect accessory for fall - (I know, I'm sorry, it's still summer isn't it!). As a person who sometimes carries wardrobe changes in her bag, you will definitely be seeing me tote this around no matter what season it is!

Look-a-likes for you from Roots (Keepin' it Canadian!) ;)

I don't know about you, but having a backpack makes my life SO much easier. From going to and from work, to the barn, trekking between the island and the mainland, and changing outfits and hiking and travelling - a backpack is a necessity so it might as well look and feel good as well as be top notch quality! Happy hiking!


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